Core features
Use our reporting options to review and refine business processes; includes On Time In Full and plans vs actual data.
Standard and bespoke reports
We offer a standard suite of reports that allow you to monitor a range of KPIs across your business – by depot, customer, and driver.
Live dashboard for real time review
We give you live interactive dashboards that allow you to review KPI information in real-time. Share this information across your business.
Export information
Our reports can be exported in CSV and PDF formats for ease of sharing with others in your business. You can also use our API for data extraction.
The benefits of using our reporting functionality
Be informed
Make informed business decisions based on clearly reported results.
Customised reports can be catered to for your bespoke reporting needs.
Share information
Share your performance reports with others within your business.
Data export
Data exports through the API allow logistics data to be merged with other business system information.
Building a business case for change
Provide us with a few basic metrics and we’ll give you an idea of how much you can expect to save each month. Typically, ROI is almost instant thanks to our SaaS pricing model.
Further features
Route optimisation
We can ensure that vehicle route plans are optimised, cost-effective, resource efficient and meet customer time window expectations.
Customer portal
Our customer portal allows your customers to keep track of their job bookings, make requests and get live status and account updates.
Related functionality
We hope you like what you see. If you are interested in our reporting functionality you might also be interested to find out more about the following.
Our route optimisation functionality allows you to plan routes that are cost-effective, resource efficient and meet promised customer time windows.
Optimise routes, manage pre-allocated jobs, review fixed routes and regions.
Make sure all necessary vehicle checks have been completed and logged before vehicles leave the depot. Maintain compliance with real-time visibility and full-time accountability online.
Empower your drivers with vehicle check confirmation at their fingertips when out on the road.
Monitor progress against the plan in real time using our Android or iOS app.
Automatically send customer notifications and live tracking links, via email, text, or our online portal; keeping customers informed in real-time.
Test drive this feature
Look at our route optimisation solution in action. We think you’ll be impressed by our planning and optimisation capabilities. We’re relied on by over 30,000 users every day so we must be doing something right.