
Podfather achieves ISO27001 certification

09 Sep 2019
Dark blue with yellow P

Podfather, the leading SaaS solution provider for route planning and electronic proof of delivery, today announced it has achieved ISO/IEC27001:2013 certification, the international standard for information security management system best practice.  ISO27001 certification demonstrates that PODFather meets demanding international standards to ensure the security and integrity of the PODFather system. Podfather’s security compliance was assessed and certified by external auditor, BSI, with independent consultation provided by NCC Group.

“Achieving ISO27001 certification is a huge achievement for everyone in the business,” said Colin McCreadie, Managing Director of Podfather. “We process a huge amount of business-critical data on behalf of our customers and it is essential they know it is treated confidentially and only made available to those that need it. The certification demonstrates our commitment to information security management and the continuous improvement of our own business processes and procedures.”

Podfather’s commitment to security is part of an ongoing strategy to improve both the products and services offered, and the working environment for everyone working in the business.

In October 2018, Podfather achieved Investors In People Silver with PODFather ranking higher than the industry standard IIP benchmarks in all assessment categories. In July 2019, PODFather was awarded two places on the UK Government G-Cloud 11 framework for the supply of routing and ePOD systems, as well as the supply of NHS asset tracking systems.