
Podfather Browser Update: Stopping support for Internet Explorer, 30th April 2021

26 Jan 2021
Browser update support for internet explorer stops 30 April 2021

Podfather will be stopping support for Internet Explorer users on the 30th April 2021

Microsoft has been working to move users away from Internet Explorer for some time now and from the 30th April 2021 Podfather will follow suit. From the 1st May 2021 we will no longer be supporting users running the Podfather system in Internet Explorer. 

Microsoft has been encouraging users to move away from Internet Explorer for several years now and ceased to provide security updates and technical support for Internet Explorer users in 2016. Here is the link to the Microsoft page which provides more information on this topic:

We would like to encourage all our users to be using the most up to date version of the following browsers*:

Podfather supported internet browsers from 1st May 202

Browser options

If you continue to use Internet Explorer after the 30th April your Podfather system will no longer continue to operate at full capacity. Therefore, we recommend that you make the browser change well in advance of our support end date.

What to do if you have any questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our helpdesk who will be happy to advise you on how to get ready for this browser support change.

Want to keep up to date with Podfather?

If you want to keep up to date with the latest news from us here at Podfather please follow our Linked In page.

*Please note, here are the minimum supported versions for the recommended browser types are as follows:

  1. Google Chrome, version 69 and above
  2. Mozilla Firefox, version 63 and above
  3. Safari, version 12 an above
  4. Microsoft Edge, version 40 and above